Business Casual Superstar #462: Celebrity Style: Dr. Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons, Big Bang Theory)

So Jim Parsons won the Emmy this weekend, apparently, for his inspired portrayal of Dr. Sheldon Cooper, the most adorable, neurotic little bird on television. I don’t watch the Emmy’s (rather, I try to avoid them even when others in my house are watching) but I’m so, so glad he won. He is so talented and so funny and totally the star of that show (even though the ensemble cast is pretty darn strong).
I’m away from my computer, so I’m sorry for not being able to put all the articles of clothing on one image and adding the price on there. Instead, I’ve had to keep them split up and simply put the price underneath (along with the total). This is going to be a rare occurrence – just for when I’m away from my Photoshop and have to make do with Screenpresso, which is a free program that I just LOVE.
Anyway, Sheldon is pretty awesome, and Jim Parsons plays him perfectly. Here’s a great list about why Dr. Sheldon Cooper is TV’s geekiest character – really, no one else stands a chance. Jim Parsons actually reminds me of a young Rowan Atkinson, and he really is just so delightfully funny.
Here’s a great anime of Jim Parson’s Sheldon Cooper that someone did on DeviantArt (I linked to the profile – click the image to get to that artist’s page!)
A stunning likeness.
A stunning likeness of a dangerously insane man.
Ugh, you guys, Sheldon is just so awesome. He’s also what I’m pretty sure my brother is going to be like in 10 years.
I know, you guys. I’m scared, too.
Now, the outfit I put together for Sheldon Cooper is kind of … casual. It’s a great Casual Friday outfit, to be sure, but you don’t want to wear it if you work in some fancy office somewhere. It’s perfect if you’re a computer programmer: let’s be honest, the only thing people care about is that you guys wear pants.
I’ve been to your offices; I know how it is.
TOTAL: $109.72
Ugh. I know it’s a little harder to ‘see’ than the other outfits I put up, but come on, we can do this. Everyone get out your notebooks, and let’s put this together. I don’t know, guys, we might have to be at the whiteboard all day with this one.
I started off with grey pants. Sheldon Cooper, of course, would have worn tweed grey plaid pants. No, I’m not kidding. Or, like, really, really obvious pinstripe.
He needs help, the poor little dear.
Anyway, I went with casual-ish grey pants. They’re not knit or sweats, no, but there’s no crease. They’re just pants. Try not to get too excited, folks.
I paired those nice, neutral, comfy grey pants with a long-sleeve tee in a bright red. Sheldon LOVES to mix and match his t-shirts and his long sleeve tees and his polos and his sweaters. He just wears them all together like he’s flying on an airplane and can’t fit everything in his luggage.
On top of that long sleeve tee, I added a purple shirt with lightning bolts. When Sheldon Cooper wears a lightning bolt shirt, it’s a big deal, because he’s channeling his favorite comic book character, the Flash. (I think that’s his favorite.) These bolts aren’t Flash-associated, but they’re still cool.
As for shoes, it was tough to find shoes for under $8. So I didn’t. I found these casual shoes on sale at Aldo’s. I went with black.
Again, the total for this entire business casual outfit inspired by Jim Parsons’s neurotic Sheldon Cooper comes out to just under $110.
Big congrats to Jim Parsons for his Emmy win! Not that he’s reading this. But OMG, if he were, you jerks would NEVER hear the end of it from me.