Travis Barker And The Cool Kids Release New Music

Best know as the Blink 182 drummer, Travis Barker announced a solo album Give the Drummer Some sometime ago in 2009. Plenty of special guest were rumored to be on the album including: RZA, Ludacris, Lil’ Wayne, Rick Ross, Raekwon, B.o.B., Swizz beats, so on and so on. Well, back in March we saw this little teaser thanks to Fake Shore Drive that showed Chicago’s own The Cool Kids in the lab with the tattooed drummer boy. Turns out, six months is the time it takes for Travis Barker’s first single to ferment before fans can have a listen.
Entitled ‘Jump Off,’ Chuck and Mikey lay down their verses while Travis keeps the drum patterns on repeat. Add in some held notes on the synth and a bit a scratching, and you got yourself a single. The Cool Kids do what they do best on this brag track, making sure to let others know their lifestyle can’t be matched. The only element of this track that lacks is the mashed together hook that simply contains too many clashing channels that it becomes annoying. Despite this misstep, Travis’s first leak paves the road for those who had questions of what fruits a Travis Barker solo album could potentially bear.
With this first drummer/hip-hop group collaboration successful, we can only wait and see what Travis Barker’s drummer will inspire for the many other artists that will appear on his solo album. Of course, the album can’t entirely be Travis Barker + hip-hop artist (unfortunately); tracks with Blink 182 and Tom Morello have already been made (semi) official. Guess we’ll have to wait for more leak and announcement from the drummer himself!
You can listen to ‘Jump Off’ featuring The Cool Kids below. Expect every song on Travis Barker’s upcoming Give the Drummer Some to feature different artists. The album will supposedly release this year, but we won’t mind if Travis takes his time on an album that involves so many other artists. Remember: “if money did talk yours probably be mumblin’.”
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