In Case You Missed It: Breaking Bad stuff

I’ve written previously on Heave about my unabashed love for AMC’s Breaking Bad and everything it stands for, which is to say great television, utter badassery and doing for crystal meth what Raiders of the Lost Ark did for archaeology. Now that the show’s fourth season is nearing its end (two more episodes, starting Sunday night at 9:00 central time), I wanted to bring to your attention a few entertaining gags related to the show. There may be SPOILERS involved depending on how often you’ve watched, so be advised.
First up, in the YouTube realm: Breaking Bad with a laugh track, and a handy reminder of how scary some of the show’s early characters were.
And then, related, BB as an ABC sitcom:
Now, from the Gus files. First of all, if you don’t know, Giancarlo Esposito (Buggin’ Out from Do The Right Thing) has been tearing it up as one of TV’s scariest villains all season long. Feast your eyes upon just one of his great moments, that works even without context:
Finally, it’s not really related to BB save for the Esposito connection, but this is just a great piece of line delivery: